Achieving Net Zero
Green Travel
How people travel around Watford and beyond contributes to around 24% of our carbon emissions as a borough. Find out about Watford strategies, services and groups looking to make travel net zero.
Council Strategies
Our travel strategies set out how we're planning long-term to make it easier and greener for people to get around, particularly by walking, cycling and using public transport.
Future Travel in Watford
Discover how Watford Borough Council, alongside Herts County Council, is shaping the future of travel for the Town.
Cycling and Walking Infrastructure
A 10-year strategic approach to improving cycling and walking.
Green Loop Improvements
The Green Loop will connect key Watford locations with safe cyclepaths.
Cycling around Watford
Cycling not only cuts carbon emissions, it improves air quality, improves health and wellbeing and reduces congestion. To help people get around Watford by bike, we've partnered with Beryl to provide a bike and e-bike share scheme - over 1 million kilometers have been cycled in Watford since the scheme launched! You can also improve your cycling confidence by contacting Watford Cycle Hub and Spokes cycling group.
Watford Cycle Hub
The Hub offers cycle repair services, maintenance courses and cycle training.
Spokes SW Herts Cycling Group
Encouraging cycling by organising rides and campaigning for improved cycling routes.
Public Transport and EVs
For those less able to walk and cycle, the Shopper Bus Service is available to helps residents wanting to shop in the Town Centre and the e-car Club is available to all residents. We are also making significant strides installing EV chargepoints around Watford, so that EV ownership is not restricted to residents with driveways - Watford ranks among the UK's top 10 local authority areas for EV charging devices.
Watford Shopper Bus Service
Designed to make shopping trips easier and more accessible for those who need extra support.
EV Chargepoints around Watford
View a map of Watford's EV chargepoints and request a chargepoint near you.