Achieving Net Zero
Community Groups
Community groups have as much opportunity as businesses to act more sustainably with green travel, energy efficient buildings, nature and ecological restoration, responsible resource use, and adaptation.
Apply for funding from community grants offered by Watford Borough Council to make your organisation more sustainable.
Here are some suggestions for how to address the climate and ecological emergency as a community group:
1. Energy
- Save energy at your premises: turn off lights when leave the room; unplug devices when not in use; use LED light bulbs; dial down the termostat; switch to energy-efficient appliances; reuse and repair.
- Premises fabric improvements: improve insulation; install double or triple glazing; look at alternatives to gas boilers, such as heat pumps; if buying a new home, make sure it has a Home Quality Mark.
2. Transport
- Replace local car journeys.
3. Water
- Conserve water by: fixing dripping taps; completely fill washing machines and dishwashers before use; don't overfill the kettle; use 'eco' settings on appliances; if you have a dual-flush toilet, use the half-flush button; if you have lever-handle toilets, install a Save a Flush device in the cistern.
- Reduce the likelihood of local flooding by using water-pearmeable materials in landscaping project. Gravel or permeable block paving on drives allows water to percolate into the ground.
- Identify a representative of the organisation to lead on sustainability.
- Educate and build awareness within your organisation about the climate and ecological emergency:
- Assess and report your business's emissions from from direct energy consumption (e.g. gas heating, petrol or diesel) and indirect energy consumption (e.g. electricity), commonly known as Scope 1 and Scope 2, respectively.
- Race To Zero: A coalition of non-state actors racing to halve global emissions by 2030.
- The Carbon Trust: A sustainability consultancy with a wealth of resources on footprinting and reporting.
- Government guidance: Though old, this guidance from national government on carbon reporting is still very useful.
- Assess and report your businesse's emissions from the supply of goods and services (e.g. supply chain), commonly known as Scope 3.