Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals)

Animal licensing

The following animal related activities will be covered by the new legislation and an Animal Activity Licence will be required, please click on the activity to find the guidance for the new licence:

Animal Activity Licences have nationally set mandatory conditions (PDF 208kB) which cannot be changed. Existing businesses will have to ensure that they can comply with the licence conditions and this will be checked before the licence is issued.

Application process

To apply for a licence please download the relevant application form along with the applicant profile form and the standard declaration form. These can be emailed.

Fees and charges

The new legislation includes a change to the way fees and charges are set for these licences:

Fee and charges for animal licences from January 2025
Type of licence New licence fee Renewal fee
Day care residential £207 £159
Day care commercial £267 £219
Breeding residential £231.50 £185
Breeding commercial £267 £219
Home boarding £207 £159
Kennels £284.50 £236
Cattery £284.50 £236
Hiring horses £309 £262
Pet Vending Commercial £284.50 £236
Pet Vending Small/Domestic £207 £159
Exhibiting of Animals Commercial £284.50 £236
Exhibiting of Animals Domestic £207 £159
Dangerous Wild Animal £242 £182
Dangerous Wild Animal Licence amendment £88.50 N/A


All premises will be inspected before a licence is granted to ensure that all licence conditions can be met. We will also be looking to ensure that the applicant demonstrates the following:

  • A specialist knowledge in the species that they are caring for and a clear understanding of its needs and welfare. This includes the animals' mental and physical health, feeding and knowledge of environmental enrichment. The applicant should be able to demonstrate that they have researched and followed expert guidance in order to carry out their role.
  • Comprehensive records that contain all the information required by the conditions that apply to their particular activities.
  • An understanding of risks involved in caring for the animal, including an extensive risk assessment and written policies and procedures that are reviewed regularly. These documents should be available for the inspector to examine.
  • Training procedures in place to make sure staff know what is expected of them, and clear evidence of good supervision of staff.

Based on the information, we will assess the premises, carry out a risk rating and award a star rating.  Low-risk premises can attain up to five stars, and premises that have been assessed as higher risk can be awarded up to four stars.

Further updates will be published as they are received from DEFRA.

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Telephone: 01923 278503

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