Managing agents and landlords
If you would like garden waste to be collected from a block of flats you manage you need to sign up to the chargeable garden waste collection service.
Managing Agent Responsibilities
As a managing agent you are responsible for ensuring:
- the bins are clean
- the bins are accessible
- the removal of excess waste not contained within the bins
- contaminated bins are emptied (either via the council’s contractor or private arrangement)
- residents know how to use the waste and recycling service correctly
- understanding the reasons why a bin hasn't been emptied
- understand your duty of care
Downloadable recycling information for residents (flats)
Use any of the following to help your residents use the right bins for their waste:
- Download our recycling leaflet (PDF 2.37MB)
- Request recycling posters and stickers from Veolia
- Include the link to our recycling pages in correspondence with your residents
- Download template letters about contaminated recycling bins (PDF 240kB) and the new residents letter (PDF 90.76kB)
- Ensure residents have your details and are able to contact you with issues about their bins and bin stores
- Ensure missed bins are reported within 24 hours of the collection day
For further advice please contact Veolia.
Description | Cost |
Description: 1100 & 660 litre contaminated recycling bin empty charge | Cost: £112.55 |
Description: 240 litre contaminated recycling bin empty charge | Cost: £86 |
Please contact Veolia to arrange for them to return to empty your contaminated recycling bin and to pay.
We will only collect bins containing the correct materials, bins containing items that can't be recycled will not be emptied.
It is the responsibility of managing agents and landlords to arrange for contaminated recycling bins to be emptied - this can be arranged with Veolia (see above costs) or independently through a registered waste operator.
Food waste
We are now offering all blocks of flats / apartments a free weekly food waste collection service. This is an optional service, if you are a managing agent / landlord and would like this to be introduced, please email Veolia. We will not introduce this service without prior authorisation from the managing agent of the flat block.
If you do not want to add free weekly food waste collections and you currently recycle food waste in the garden waste bin, you can continue to do this but only if the flat block is signed up to the chargeable garden waste service. If you are not signed up, you can put your food waste in the non-recyclable waste bin.
If you choose not to sign up to the chargeable garden waste service, your green bin(s) will be removed.