Watford is a popular location for film and TV productions, including dramas, adverts, documentaries and pop promos. The town is a great location in which to film and we will provide the help and support that is needed.
Charges for filming
Filming that takes place on council property (e.g. parks and premises), will be charged the following:
- Town Hall (per hour) - £300
- Town Hall (7+ hours) - £2,200
- Parks and other council land/property (per hour) - £250
- Parks and other council land/property (7+ hours) - £2,100
Please note: There is a £250 administration charge for all filming applications. Exceptions are made for student productions.
Public Liability
Filming cannot take place until we have received a copy of your Public Liability Insurance, which should be for a minimum of £5m.
If you have lots of vehicles, we ask that you do a letter drop to local business and resident, with the times and dates of filming so that they are aware. If you require parking arrangements in an area that has parking restrictions a minimum of 10 day’s notice is needed for parking arrangement to be authorised by the Parking Service and separate applications must be made online.
The Parking Service can arrange for dispensations to be issued to enable vehicles to park in pay and display bays, permit bays or on yellow lines. Registration details of all the vehicles must be provided when applying for the dispensations. There is a separate charge for this which is paid when submitting the online application.
For more information please contact the Parking Service on 01923 278890
Filming on the public highway
Filming on the public highway will normally be limited to no later than 11pm (10pm on Sundays) in residential areas. Any filming beyond this time must have the full agreement of the Filming Office.
The Police will need to have a presence:
- To ensure there is no traffic obstruction
- When there will be actors in emergency services uniform
- If there are scenes of a criminal nature (e.g. drug use, fights, fake robberies, use of firearms etc,)
Advance notice must be given to local residents and businesses via a letter drop.