Council strategies and plans

Council Plan 2022-26 and Delivery Plan 2024-26

On 19 July 2022, Watford Borough Council adopted the new Council Plan 2022-26 and Delivery Plan 2024-26.

Watford Together. United by possibility.

Our new Council Plan sets out our aspirations for both Watford Borough Council and the town it serves.  It is forward-looking, high level and outward facing, with an emphasis on outcome focused commitments.  The plan demonstrates our role as leader of place and how we will continue to build on our strategic and operational excellence.

Our Council Plan themes are:

  • A council working for our community and serving our residents
  • A greener, brighter future
  • An inspiring, thriving and creative town
  • A diverse, happy and healthy town

Council Plan 2022-26 (PDF 656 kB)

Our Delivery Plan 2024-26 sets out how the council will focus our work to bring the Council Plan to life, making sure we deliver what we said we would over the next 18 months.  Under each theme and commitment, we set out our key priority areas of actions, which we are focused on achieving by 2026.  The Delivery Plan will be monitored and a report on progress will be reported to Cabinet quarterly, and, annually, we will prepare a report for residents, businesses and partners. 

Delivery Plan 2024-26 (PDF 338 kB)

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