The Mayor and his Cabinet

The Mayor and the Cabinet

The Mayor can appoint between 2 and 9 councillors to the Cabinet, also known as the Executive.  The Mayor informs Council of the composition of the Cabinet at the Annual Council meeting usually held in May.  The members of Cabinet can also be known as Portfolio Holders and each one has their own area of responsibility.  He can also appoint councillors to the Cabinet who do not have a specific portfolio.

The Cabinet members for 2023/2024 are - 

  • The Mayor, Peter Taylor, Portfolio Holder for Strategic Partnerships and Planning
  • Councillor Aga Dychton, Deputy Mayor and Portfolio Holder for Community
  • Councillor Jenny Pattinson, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Wellbeing
  • Councillor Glen Saffery, Portfolio Holder for Planning
  • Councillor Ian Stotesbury, Portfolio Holder for Transport and Sustainability
  • Councillor Tim Williams, Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services
  • Councillor Kennedy Rodrigues, Portfolio Holder for Property, Resources and Customer Services
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