In this section
Development Management Committee (Planning)
Development Management Committee - further information
Development Management Committee considers planning applications which can not be determined by officers under delegated authority. It also reviews outstanding planning applications and the service's performance.
These in person meetings are usually held monthly and are open to the public to attend. Alternatively, you can watch them online by clicking on the link provided on the meeting’s agenda.
One person can attend the meeting to speak against an application and one in support. Each speaker can speak for up to five minutes.
There is no question and answer session.
If you address a meeting, your name and details of your submission will be recorded in the minutes and on the council’s YouTube channel, both of which are a permanent and public record.
To speak at the meeting a person must:
- Register with, and give additional document to, Democratic Services by 12 noon on the day of the meeting.
- The name and telephone number of the speaker will be taken.