Woodside Playing Fields and Alban Wood - Parks, open spaces and playgrounds

Woodside Playing Fields and Alban Wood, Horseshoe Lane, WD25 7HH
Car park

Children's playground
Toilets (open dawn till dusk)
Outdoor gym
Ice cream van (Summer)
Eight football pitches (1 junior pitch) with changing rooms (to check availability or book contact Veolia on email)
Artificial turf pitch
Table tennis table
Three cricket pitches
One artificual cricket pitch
Two cricket practice nets
Leisure centre

Features and attractions
Local Nature Reserve
County Wildlife Site
Green Flag Award
Groups and clubs

Friends of Woodside Playing Fields
Watford Town Cricket Club
OWLS Bowls Club
Watford Indoor Bowls Club
Watford Harriers Athletics Club

Report a problem

You can email our team at Veolia to report a problem.

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