Proposed Extension of Callowland Zone NA Permit Parking Area - New parking schemes and consultations

Consultation description

Watford Borough Council has undertaken consultations in regard to extending the Callowland Zone NA Permit Parking Area, into the following streets: 

  • Ashby Road
  • Brighton Road
  • Diamond Road
  • Jubilee Road
  • Sussex Road

The operational hours of Zone NA will be  Monday to Saturday 8am-10am and 5pm-10pm

A decision has been made to proceed to implementation -

Letters have been posted to all properties in in the above mentioned streets, informing them of outcome along with the details on how to apply for parking permits.  

The extended zone will come into effect from Monday 20th June 2022. 


Locations of the proposed parking restrictions
Callowland Controlled Parking Zone - Zone NA Extension
Ashby Road
Brighton Road
Diamond Road
Gammons Lane 
Jubilee Road
Sussex Road
Consultation start date
Statutory Consultation 25th February 2022 (Informal Consultation 11th October 2021 )
Consultation finish date
Statutory Consultation 18th March 2022 (Informal Consultation 7th November 2021 )
Frequently Asked Questions
Object or comment on consultation
Consultation documentation

Watford Borough Council carried out an informal consultation between  11th October to 7th November 2021, within the below named roads, to understand whether residents supported proposals to join Zone NA Permit Parking Area.

  • Ashby Road
  • Brighton Road
  • Diamond Road
  • Gammons Lane 
  • Jubilee Road
  • Sussex Road

This followed residents complaints in relation to displaced parking from Zone NA. A parking beat survey was carried out in September 2021. 

Survey results suggest that although there is some evidence of parking migration, it is only low level and is not affecting parking availability in the area during daytime hours.

The other major conclusion from the survey data is that all the roads surveyed have occupancy levels exceeding 100% capacity during evening and night time hours. It also found that in Diamond Road, Jubilee Road and Gammons Lane occupancy levels exceeded 100% during daytime hours.

Read the survey results online (PDF 1.03MB).

Consultation letter (PDF 204kB)

Questionnaire (PDF 144kB)

Extension to Controlled Parking Zone NA - Proposals (PDF 460kB)

Consultation results and recommendations
First consultation documents

See Consultation results and recommendations

Second consultation documentation

Statutory Consultation Dates 25th February - 18th March 2022

See Formal Consultation Documents 

Informal consultation documentation

With this in mind officers have agreed with The Mayor, Portfolio Holder and your ward councillors to offer residents of these roads a further consultation about joining the Zone NA Permit Parking Area. This consultation will take place at the same time as the consultation on operational hours of Zone NA with properties already within the zone. 

The consultation will go live on Monday 11th October by means of a letter, questionnaire and proposal plan posted to all properties within Zone NA. The consultation will end noon on Sunday 7th November when all questionnaires must be returned via the stamped addressed envelopes provided.

Statutory consultation documentation
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