Church Street George Street - Disabled Badge Holder Parking (2023) - New parking schemes and consultations

Consultation description

Statutory Consultation on proposals to increase provision of Disabled Badge Hodler Parking Spaces near Watford High Streeet/St Mary's through: 

Converting the exisiting No Waiting At Any Time excpet Taxis to Disabled Badge Holder Parking and 

Converting 30 metres of No Waiting Mon-Sat 8am-6.30pm on George Street to Disabled Badge Holder Parking 

The proposed bays wil be for Disabled Badge Holders Only – Monday to Saturday 8am to 6.30pm. (Maximum Stay 3 hours no return within 2 hours).

To ensure visiblity is maintained around bend, the no waiting at any time on the inner bend will be converted to No Waiting and No Loading At Any Time. 

Locations of the proposed parking restrictions
Church Street and George Street near Watford High Street
Consultation start date
7th July 2023
Consultation finish date
28th July 2023
Object or comment on consultation
Consultation documentation

Statutory Consultation Documents

Notice of Proposal (231 KB)

Proposed Location Plan (1.6 MB)

Statement of Reasons (224 KB)

Draft Traffic Regulation Order  (286 KB)

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