Walking Football - Get active

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Walking Football

A slower version of the beautiful game, drop in sessions so you can play at your own pace!

The game is played in a similar way to normal football, dribbling, passing and scoring remain important elements of the walking version of football although you’ll still get a good workout by having to move from one end of the pitch to the other. You won’t exert yourself to the same extent as standard football nor will you run such a great risk of spraining a limb or bumping into other players. It is open to both male and female participants with the emphasis on enjoyment, fun and meeting new people.

Every Wednesday (term tim only) at 6pm to 7pm
Watford Grammar School for Girls

Booking: For more information or to register your interest contact gavin.jakeman@apexmultisports.co.uk or phone 07446 023799.

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