Alcohol and entertainment licensing

Licensing Policy - Licensing Act 2003

Licensing Policy 2018 - 2023

The council has to publish a statement of licensing policy which sets out our approach to implementing the licensing act in the borough.

Town centre policies

Entertainment and food-led businesses are encouraged in the town centre. We have a policy of refusing some alcohol-only licence applications unless the applicant can show why they should be an exception to the policy.

Sensitive licensing areas

Parts of St Albans Road, Queens Road, Market Street and Whippendell Road have been designated as sensitive licensing area applications for alcohol and late-night refreshment in these areas should be discussed with the licensing team before applying.

Licence conditions

A suggested list of licence conditions are available which may act as a guide for applicants, residents, businesses, responsible authorities, and licensing sub-committees.

L artista high street town centre

Consultation on Licensing Policy

The council is consulting on renewing its special town centre licensing policy until 16/02/2024

Take part in the consultation
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