Environmental problems


Domestic asbestos

If asbestos is in good condition it shouldn't cause health problems. 

However, if it is damaged, broken, drilled, cut or sanded small fibres can be released which can cause long-term health problems.

If you are worried about asbestos in your home, you should make sure that all panels are not damaged, are well sealed or painted over.

If you carefully follow safety advice, you may be able to safely dismantle and dispose of small asbestos contained in garages or outbuildings.

The Health and Safety Executive have produced a guidance sheet for doing this, which you can download here.

Waste asbestos

Hertfordshire County Council may be able to help you dispose of small amounts of domestic asbestos waste

Otherwise a licensed asbestos contractor must dispose of waste asbestos. There are many companies that operate within the local area who you could choose to use. Please check that the company has a licence to dispose of waste asbestos.

Domestic or commercial premises

Further information about asbestos in domestic or commercial premises is available from the Health and Safety Executive.

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