In this section
Request a visit following a food hygiene inspection
- Once you have addressed the legal requirements identified during your inspection you can request a revisit. This will result in a new score. (Please note scores are dependent on what is seen during the unannounced inspection and can go up or down, or remain the same).
- You can request a re-score visit at any time after the statutory inspection, and there is no limit to the number of requests you can make.
- You must provide details of the improvements made with your request, including supporting evidence where appropriate, and pay the relevant fee.
- The date of the reassessment visit will depend on the improvements that are required. It will not always be carried out immediately after you have applied for it, particularly if you need to demonstrate that you have fully implemented your written food safety management system.
- The reassessment visit will be unannounced.
- The fee for a food hygiene rating reassessment is £240, which must be paid before the visit can be carried out.
You can apply for a rescore visit using this form.