In this section
Pavement licence renewals
You must ensure that your pavement licence is renewed before it expires in order to continue using your licence. If your licence expires, you must stop trading until your licence is renewed or you are granted a new licence.
Highways Act 1980 renewals
It is suggested that you apply at least six weeks before your licence expires. This is to allow adequate time to process your application and for a 28 day consultation period to be completed.
You will not lose time from your licence if you renew earlier. Your new licence will start from the expiry date of your existing date of your existing licence.
We offer a simplified renewal process if you wish to renew without making any changes to your licence. You must notify us in writing that you wish to renew without making any alterations, and pay the renewal fee. We will hold a 28 day consultation period on your application, and aim to notify you of the outcome of your application within 5 working days of the end of the consultation.
If you wish to renew your licence, but you want to vary your licence, such as the days and hours of operation, the number of tables and chairs, or the size of the licensed area for example, then you will need to follow the exact same process for a new application. This includes completing the application form (PDF - 191kB), submitting copies on the authorities detailed on the form, advertising the application on the premises for 28 days, serving a copy of this notice on the 15 nearest properties, providing a layout plan (only required if the layout is changing, either in size or in the number of tables and chairs) and providing proof of insurance. The fee for varying a licence is the same as the new application fee, which is £485.08.
You must wait to hear from us before placing furniture on the highway.
The renewal fee is £134.
Please note: We can only accept payment by credit or debit card or by bank transfer. If you wish to pay by bank transfer, please contact the licensing team for our bank details.
Business and Planning Act renewals
If you wish to renew a licence issued under the Business and Planning Act, please note that you will need to complete a new application form and go through the whole application process - the process for applying for a new licence and renewing a licence is the same.