Permission can be given to charities and non-commercial organisations to set up stalls within the town centre to sell goods for charity or for promotion. The number of stalls allowed at any one time is limited.
If goods are sold you must get a charity collection permit.
There are three areas where stalls can be located:
- on The Parade, between Bentine Lane and Clarendon Road
- St Mary's Square
- Queens Road, between High Street and Beechen Grove, alongside the Primark store
You can make a request by completing and submitting an application form. You must provide proof of public liability insurance to the minimum cover of £5m.
Other agencies may be consulted about the application.
It is a criminal offence to trade without having a valid consent.
You can contact us to provisionally book a site up to six months beforehand. Applications (PDF 636kB) must be received at least 28 days before the event and there is no charge. Consent is granted subject to our standard conditions (PDF 147kB).
Tacit consent does not apply. We must give you permission for your event to proceed.
Comments about applications, or complaints about authorised stalls, can be made to the Licensing team.