Watford's Neighbourhood Grants 2024

Guidelines for completing your application

The Neighbourhood Grant represents a fantastic opportunity for local community groups to access grant funding for improvement projects/initiatives in Watford. 

The Neighbourhood Grant is a portion of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Watford Council collects CIL on new developments in the borough. This is a charge based on the floorspace of new developments.

A proportion of CIL is apportioned as Neighbourhood CIL (NCIL). In Watford, we have decided to call this the Neighbourhood Grant and agreed in accordance with the regulations that a percentage (15%) of CIL received from new developments will be spent on local priorities.

It is a legal requirement that NCIL projects address the impact that development has on an area.

We will consider applications for projects and initiatives that:

  • Are located in Watford and benefit Watford residents
  • Are non-commercial and non-profit-making
  • Aim to support the local community by improving or renovating a building or space
  • Align with the neighbourhood priorities 
  • Support any of the priorities identified in the Council Plan 
  • Provide new or additional short term activities or programmes that address the impact that new development has on an area
  • Deliver high quality infrastructure, physical, social or anything else that addresses the demands that development places on an area*

*Please note: Demands that development places on an area can include (but are not limited to) the need for community venues, activities that support education, training, physical and mental wellbeing in the community, environmental effects including pollution and loss of biodiversity, increase in population density, need for outdoor or green space because of development, need for cycling and walking links and infrastructure.

  • Projects that support political and/or religious activity
  • Projects that are purely research
  • Projects that take place outside of Watford
  • Standalone events
  • Costs incurred in putting the application together or core costs to the organisation (utility bills, rent, management cost etc.) which are not directly related to the project. 
  • Applications for core costs (for example for the general administration costs or other day to day costs of an existing charity/community enterprise)
  • For-profit projects
  • The purchase of land, buildings and vehicles
  • Applications to cover the running costs of existing projects
  • Applications submitted by individuals or informal organisations.
  • Equipment which will be retained by individuals rather than the organisations
  • Retrospective funding i.e where the spend has already occurred.

All applicants must be able to evidence that they are a properly constituted organisation,

with a registered address in England.

  • Constituted Not for Profit` voluntary and community sector organisations and resident associations
  • Registered Charities and charitable incorporated organisations (CIO)
  • Charitable companies (incorporated as not for profit) and trusts
  • Community Amateur Sports Clubs
  • Registered Community Interest Companies (limited by guarantee not limited by share)
  • Hertfordshire County Council
  • Watford Council
  • Charitable branch of schools (i.e Parent/Teacher Association)

Applicants can only submit one application per funding cycle.

Applicants who have not provided the agreed monitoring information following any previous funding cycle will not be considered.

Applicants are unable reapply for funding for a period of at least 2 years following a successful application. Applicants that were successful in 2023 are not eligible to apply for funding until 2025.

We strongly encourage individuals or informal groups who have great ideas for projects to please get in touch with Watford Council or their ward councillor to discuss how we can work in partnership.

  • To deliver a new or additional activity or programme you can apply for a maximum of £5k
  • Organisations can apply for a maximum of £50k towards physical infrastructure  projects

Applications are open from 17 June 2024 and close at 5pm 13 September 2024

Nieghbourhood Grant timeline

  • Applications must be made online by visiting, Watford’s Neighbourhood Grant site.
  • You must complete ALL sections of the application form and provide ALL associated documents (see below).
  • Incomplete applications will not be accepted and organisations will be responsible for resubmitting a completed version of the application.

Please supply the following information with your application:

  • Constitution, governing document or equivalent (signed and dated)
  • Equality & Diversity Policy
  • Safeguarding Policy – if applicable
  • Latest set of organisation accounts
  • Public Liability Insurance - if applicable (Minimum cover of £5m)
  • 3 x quotes for equipment/capital purchases - if applicable

Stage 1: Officers review the application to ensure the Council has sufficient information to review and determine the application.

Stage 2: The application will be assessed by a governance panel against the Neighbourhood Grant Criteria and in accordance with the CIL regulations.  

Stage 3: A report setting out the recommendations is submitted to Cabinet to decide the awarded projects for the year.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application on the 2 December 2024 following the Cabinet meeting on the 25 November 2024.

  • Does the project meet the CIL regulations
  • Does the project address one or more of the identified neighbourhood priorities or the priorities of the Council Plan
  • Does the project benefit the local or wider community in the borough and is this evidenced?
  • The project should be deliverable and capable of being started within the next financial year.
  • Is the project a one-off scheme that does not require any additional revenue funding in its delivery or its operation (or identifies how additional revenue may be met)? 
  • Do you have evidence of local community support?
  • Does the bid offer value for money?


Projects in areas that have experienced significant development and those that support the delivery Watford’s Environmental Strategy 2023-2030 will be prioritised for Neighbourhood Grant spend. 

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