Watford Borough Council is consulting on proposed changes to taxi fares, following a request from the Watford Hackney Carriage Drivers’ Association to review the current tariff...
Proposed changes to the Hackney Carriage Tariff 2023 (for drivers)
Proposed changes to the Hackney Carriage Tariff 2023 (for residents and visitors)
The consultations – which are a statutory requirement – will be available to complete from 3 February 2023 to 17 February 2023 and are available at: surveymonkey.co.uk/r/watford-tariff-23-drivers and surveymonkey.co.uk/r/watford-tariff-23-users. Opinions are being invited from the taxi trade, general public and anybody with an interest in taxis, on the review of the tariff, which has not been revised since 2017
Cllr Richard Wenham, Chair of the Licensing Committee, said: “The council recognizes the significant impact that the cost of living crisis is having on individuals and families, which prompted us to declare a state of emergency on this issue. However, we also acknowledge that the taxi industry and its drivers are similarly affected by this crisis.
“In response, the taxi trade has formally requested that the council conduct a comprehensive consultation on the taxi tariff. The council is committed to considering the perspectives and feedback of all stakeholders, and as such, we encourage members of the public to voice their opinions. By conducting this consultation, the council will be better equipped to make an informed decision when reviewing the taxi tariff.”
Anyone who wishes to make a comment can do so by:
- completing the online surveys
- submitting a written comment to: The Licensing Team, Watford Borough Council, Town Hall, Watford WD17 3EX
- submitting a comment to licensing@watford.gov.uk
- Anyone who requires a hard copy of the survey can request one by contacting the Licensing Team by email to licensing@watford.gov.uk or by telephone on 01923 278476.
Once the consultation closes, Licensing Officers will review all the feedback and propose any changes to the tariff. If there are any proposed changes, then the final proposals, which will include details on how much each tariff will cost, will be subject to public consultation and further details of how to participate in that consultation will be published accordingly.