On Saturday 20 May, Watford residents will be able to collect free compost and wildflower seeds thanks to our environmental partner Veolia.
Along with our environmental partner, Veolia, we are saying thank you to everyone that has recycled their garden waste in their green lidded bins by bringing back the organic material as free, nutrient-rich compost for Watford residents. We are also giving away a number of packets of wildflower seeds, which are great for attracting pollinators and wildlife to your garden. These materials will only be available whilst stocks last.
The Compost Giveaway will take place on Saturday 20 May from 10am to 1pm, or until the compost runs out. The 10 tonnes of loose compost will be available at Woodside Playing Fields Car Park (upper car park), Horseshoe Lane, Watford, WD25 7HH.
We ask residents to bring a proof of Watford residency such as a utility bill, their own shovel and bags to put the compost in. You can take up to two bags of compost per household and the house owner must be present with their proof of address. It is your responsibility to fill your own two bags with compost and carry them safely back to your vehicle.
Senior Contract Manager, Darren Harding at Veolia Watford, said, “We are grateful to Severn Trent Green Power for their generous donation of compost to the Watford community. Witnessing the cycle of garden waste collected by our crew members from local households being transformed into nutrient-rich compost for cultivating plans and vegetables is truly remarkable.”
For more details, call 020 3567 6900 or email enquiries.watford@veolia.co.uk.