Over 1,000 panels being installed as part of group buying scheme

Carbon rewind solar panels

This year marks a milestone for the community of Watford, as over 300 solar panels have been installed thanks to a group buying scheme, and the total is set to rise to 1,000 by the end of the year!

The initiative - coordinated by Watford Borough Council in partnership with local renewable energy company Solar Together – was launched last year and encouraged residents to switch to solar energy and reduce their carbon footprint.

It offered residents the opportunity to purchase high-quality solar panels at a discounted rate. By purchasing in bulk, the group buying scheme can secure more competitive pricing and pass on savings to participants.

Since the launch of the scheme, over 100 households in Watford are taking advantage of the opportunity to switch to solar energy. The installation of these panels is expected to save the participating households a combined total of £50,000 per year on their energy bills, as well as reducing their carbon footprint by an estimated 4,867,200 kg of CO2 emissions over a 20 year life span!

Elected Mayor of Watford, Peter Taylor, said: "We are delighted to see such a strong response to the group buying scheme. This is an excellent example of the community coming together to take action against climate change. It's great to see so many residents taking steps to reduce their carbon footprint, reducing their energy bills and investing in sustainable energy solutions.”

Cllr Ian Stotesbury, Portfolio Holder for Transport and Sustainability, said: "We are thrilled to be a part of this initiative and are proud to have worked with Solar Together to deliver such a successful project. We hope that the success of the Watford scheme will inspire other communities to take similar action."

As the world continues to tackle climate change, initiatives like the Watford group buying scheme will play an increasingly important role in reducing carbon emissions and building sustainable communities. You can find out more about what the council is doing – including its target to net zero carbon town by 2030 or earlier at www.watford.gov.uk/sustainablewatford.

Published: 9th May 2023

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