Mayor celebrates the ‘Magic of Cassiobury’ with Watford Area Arts Forum

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Watford Borough Council have been supporting Watford Area Arts Forum (WAAF) through the Neighbourhood Grant scheme to run a series of inspiring workshops aimed at capturing the 'Magic of Cassiobury'..

These workshops, held at the picturesque Cassiobury Farm and Fisheries, blend art and writing to celebrate the park's rich past, present, and future. They have been supported by a £3,000 grant from the council.

On 21 May, the second workshop in this series, titled 'Cassiobury Postcards', received a special visit from the Elected Mayor Peter Taylor. This workshop focused on encapsulating memories of Cassiobury Park through the creation of postcards from recycled fabrics and stitching, accompanied by pieces of creative writing.

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Elected Mayor of Watford, Peter Taylor, said: “It's wonderful to meet the people coming together to celebrate Cassiobury Park’s beauty and history through these creative workshops. It's great to see local residents connecting with the importance of the environment through art.

"The Watford Area Arts Forum has done a fantastic job in organising these events, and I am proud that the council's Neighbourhood Grant scheme could support such an inspiring project."

Helen Nicell, Chairperson of Watford Area Arts Forum, said: “We are thrilled to see such enthusiasm from the community and the support from Watford Borough Council. These workshops highlight the artistic talents in the local area. We look forward to the upcoming exhibition and sharing the wonderful creations with everyone.”

The first workshop, 'Cassiobury Trees', held on 23 April, saw participants creating torn paper tree collages using recycled papers, guided by local Mixed Media artist Sian Fenwick. Creative Writing Tutor Helen Nicell also facilitated the creation of collective and individual writing pieces inspired by the park's natural beauty and conservation efforts.

The final workshop, 'Save Our Park', scheduled for 18 June, will focus on the future of Cassiobury Park. Participants will produce a mixed media piece using litter and recycled items, coupled with creative writing on themes of sustainability and environmental impact.

The Watford Area Arts Forum, established over 20 years ago, continues to support and nurture the arts in Watford, serving as an umbrella group for various artistic disciplines including fine arts, photography, crafting, music, performing arts, and writing. For more information or to register your interest in participating, please email

The next round of funding for the Neighbourhood Grant will be in summer 2024. To find out more, including this year’s projects, please visit The programme funded by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) from developers of new housing, operates annually to mitigate the effects of development and enhance the local community's sustainable growth.

Published: 22nd May 2024

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