Watford's electric car club celebrates significant carbon emission savings and opening of new bays

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Another major milestone in Watford’s aim to promote greener transport has been achieved, with Enterprise and the council announcing the progress made by the recently launched eco-friendly car club...

The fully electric vehicles have been actively used for over 707 hours, covering an impressive 2,793 miles. By opting for these cars instead of traditional petrol or diesel vehicles, members have collectively saved an estimated 1,128 kilograms (or about 1.128 tonnes) of CO2 emissions.

To further enhance accessibility and convenience for users, two new car bays have also been installed in the town. The new locations include Woodford Road and Queens Road and will provide even more opportunities for residents to utilise the electric vehicles, making it easier than ever to choose green transportation for daily needs.

Launched in March 2024 with bays at Sutton Road and Granville Road, the car club offers car hire by the hour or by the day, enabling individuals and organisations access to a vehicle without the need for ownership and on an as-needed basis. The scheme is a convenient, flexible and cost-effective solution, as well as another travel option in the council’s ‘Transforming Travel in Watford 2021-2041 strategy’ to improve air quality in the town and alleviate congestion.

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Elected Mayor of Watford, Peter Taylor, said: “The steady growth of the car club and the addition of new bays highlight our commitment to improving air quality and alleviating congestion in our town. This scheme provides people in Watford with a convenient and eco-friendly transport solution that contributes to a healthier, cleaner environment for everyone.”

Dan Gursel, Managing Director of Enterprise Car Club said: “We are thrilled with the progress of the car club. Seeing our electric vehicles used for that many hours and miles underscores the growing demand for sustainable transport options. The big carbon emissions savings highlight the positive environmental impact the club is making in the community.”

At first, the council is introducing this limited number of dedicated locations in the town exclusively for car club use. However, there are plans to expand these bays over time as usage grows. The scheme will also aim to be further enhanced by the availability of low-emission vehicles on local housing development sites.

New members can take advantage of various introductory offers including getting your first two year’s membership for £20/yr (usually & thereafter £60/yr) and £20 free driving credit, aimed at lowering the membership cost and providing complimentary driving credits. Additionally, they will enjoy the convenience of not having to worry about maintenance, insurance, or parking permits. To sign up today with Enterprise Car Club, visit enterprisecarclub.co.uk/WATFORD20.

As the world continues to tackle climate change, initiatives like the car club will play an increasingly important role in reducing carbon emissions and building sustainable communities. You can find out more about what the council is doing – including its target to net zero carbon town by 2030 or earlier at www.watford.gov.uk/sustainablewatford.

Published: 29th May 2024

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