Neighbourhood Grant open for community to apply for funding up to £50,000

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The council have announced the launch of its latest round of funding for the ‘Neighbourhood Grant’, which is aimed at supporting local community projects that contribute to the betterment...

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Watford Borough Council have announced the launch of its latest round of funding for the ‘Neighbourhood Grant’, which is aimed at assisting local community projects that support the growth of the town. 

The funding – which is managed by the council and available on an annual basis – is generated from a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) that developers pay on new housing developments in the borough. Its purpose is to support local projects that address the impact of new development and ensure local people benefit from sustainable growth in the borough.

Building on the resounding success of the Neighbourhood Grant programme in recent years, the council is once again providing grants from its £300,000 funding pot to empower community groups and initiatives to bring their impactful ideas to life.

Last year's Neighbourhood Grant programme was a great success, with 17 community projects receiving grants ranging from different amounts of funding. These projects spanned a wide range of areas, from environmental conservation to youth empowerment, arts and culture, sports development, and social welfare.

This year, the council is inviting local community groups and organisations to submit their project proposals for a chance to secure funding at , where they can view the application process, eligibility criteria, and guidelines.

The application period will be open from 17 June to 13 September, and all submissions will be carefully reviewed by a funding panel. Applicants can request up to £5,000 for initiating a new or additional activity or programme, and up to £50,000 for physical infrastructure projects.

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Paul Stacey, Associate Director of Environment and Communities at Watford Borough Council, said: "We were really pleased with the success of the Neighbourhood Grant programme last year. The projects demonstrated the incredible creativity, dedication, and passion within the community. We are eagerly awaiting the creative and impactful proposals that will come forward in this new round of funding, and we look forward to seeing the positive changes that will emerge."

Residents will be included in the decision-making process and will have the opportunity to support any of the shortlisted projects last this year. For more information about the new round of funding and the Neighbourhood Grant programme, please visit or contact

Published: 17th June 2024

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