Parking permits in Watford

Doctors and health visitor permit

You can apply for a Doctor / Health Visitor permit if you are a medical or care organisation and your staff make essential domiciliary visits to residents that live in the Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ) in Watford.

Where you can use the doctor and health visitor permit

You can use park in permit bays and shared use bays in CPZs to make visits to patients and clients.

View our CPZ directory and map for more information.

Where you can't use the permit

  • yellow lines
  • pay and display bays.
  • permit bays and shared use bays in Vicarage Road and Willow Lane.

Permits are issued for a fixed 12 month period - 1st June to 30th July each year. The cost is the same whichever part of the year you apply.

Cost of a doctor and health visitor permit
Number of permits Current Fee
The first 5 permits £31 each
6 or more permits £66 each

Apply for a doctor and health visitor permit

Apply for a health visitor parking permit

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