Apply for a white line
White lines for driveways
To help make other drivers aware of access to your driveway or garage, you can apply to have a white line painted on the road.
The line shows motorists that access is needed, and they should park somewhere else.
Apply for a white line outside your house
To apply for a white line, you need to :
- live in the Borough of Watford
- have a clear vehicle access point with a dropped kerb
- have an access point is on the public highway
If you share a driveway with a neighbour, you'll need their agreement before applying.
A white line costs £150 (£50 is a non-refundable deposit).
Refreshment of an existing white line costs £50.
The work can take up to 3 months from the time of accepting your application and full payment.
If someone parks on your white line
If a vehicle is stopping you using your dropped kerb exit, you can contact parking enforcement.