Pre-application advice for large developments

If you're a property developer, you can work in partnership with Watford Borough Council to get expert support for your new project.

Working together, we can:

  • improve the quality of your applications
  • save you time and money
  • identify planning issues in advance.

Apply online for professional planning advice

What's in your pre-application report 

When you apply for pre-application advice, you'll receive a detailed professional report that includes:

  • expert planning research relating to your proposal
  • any planning issues that might be raised
  • advice on relevant planning polices, s106 and community infrastructure levy
  • information to support your application, and the possible outcome of any formal application
  • advice on costs and estimated time scale to processing of an application

Working together with us can improve the quality of your application. It can save you time and money, and identify the planning issues and requirements in advance.

This advice is based on the information you supply and that is already held by the council.

How to get pre-application advice

You can apply for pre-application advice online today

Apply online for professional planning advice

The advice is based on professional judgment and does not constitute a formal response or decision.

It gives a likely outcome of a formal application and no guarantees can be given about the decision that will be made.


You'll get a response within 4 to 6 weeks (unless agreed otherwise) 


The cost of advice depends on the scale of your project. Please choose from the options below for further information on getting pre-application advice:

Minor works and listed building charges
Type of development Type of response Fee Timescale
Householder proposals extension and alteration to an existing dwelling / house Written response only £153 4 weeks
Less than 100sqm of non-residential floor space Written response only £153 4 weeks
Listed Building consent Wriiten response only £153 4 weeks
Advert consent Written response only £153 4 weeks

Small residential and commercial charges
Type of development Type of response Fee Timescale
1 new residential unit (conversion of house into 2 flats) Written response only £255 4 weeks
2-5 residential units Written response only £612 4 weeks
100sqm to 499sqm of non-residential floor space Written response only £612 4 weeks
6-10 residential unit Written response only £1,428 4 weeks
500sqm to 999sqm of non-residential floor space Written response only £1,428 4 weeks

Medium scale residential and commercial charges
Type of development Type of response Fee Timescale
10-24 residential units A meeting with a planning officer and a written response £3,570 6 weeks
1,000sqm to 1,999sqm of non-residential floor space A meeting with a planning officer and a written response £3,570 6 weeks

Large scale residential and commercial charges
Type of development Type of response Fee Timescale Notes
25-49 residential units A meeting with a planning officer and a written response £6,630 6 weeks A Planning Performance Agreement should be considered
2,000sqm to 4,999sqm of non-residential floor space A meeting with a planning officer and a written response £6,630 6 weeks A Planning Performance Agreement should be considered

Small scale major charges
Type of development Type or response Fee Timescale Notes
50-74 residential units A meeting with a planning officer and a written response £8,670 6 weeks A Planning Performance Agreement should be considered
5,000sqm or more of non-residential floor space A meeting with a planning officer and a written response £8,670 6 weeks A Planning Performance Agreement should be considered

Large scale major charges
Type of development Type or response Fee Timescale Notes
75 or more residential units A meeting with a planning officer and a written response £14,280 6 weeks A Planning Performance Agreement should be considered

Follow-up meeting and written advice for categories 3-6

(half the price of the original application)

In order to benefit from the reduced fee for a follow-up application, the proposal must be:

  • the same site as the initial meeting
  • for a similar use (or uses) as the initial application
  • submitted within three months of the initial pre-application advice note.
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