The Mayor and his Cabinet

The Mayor, Peter Taylor

Peter Taylor - Mayor of Watford

Peter Taylor is the Elected Mayor of Watford.

Peter Taylor became the Liberal Democrat Mayor of Watford on 4 May 2018. He is a former school teacher and lives locally with his three young children.

Before becoming Mayor, Peter served as Deputy Mayor, Portfolio Holder for our Parks and Leisure Centres and as a Borough Councillor for Oxhey Ward

As Mayor, he:

  • is the council's principal public spokesperson, representing the council and the borough on local, national and international platforms
  • gives the overall political direction of the council
  • decides on the scheme of delegation for Executive functions
  • chairs Cabinet
  • represents the council on external bodies
  • attends civic events

He also has a number of specific areas within his portfolio for Parternships

  • Council Plan
  • Economy
  • Regeneration
  • Culture
  • External relationships
  • Communications
  • Marketing and events
  • Strategic projects

If you would like to get in contact with Peter, then you can:

You can also email Peter to subscribe to the Mayor's regular e-newsletter.

The Mayor Peter Taylor in front of the Council Chambers steps

Peter Taylor's website

Visit the Mayor's website to sign up to Peter's newsletter and to see what Peter is doing for the community.

Peter Taylor's website
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