Temporary accommodation

Costs of temporary accommodation

You will pay a weekly charge for your temporary accommodation.  You will also have to pay your council tax and utility bills like gas, electricity and water.  Sometimes there is a service charge to pay instead of utility bills.   You will need to pay the first week's charge, including any service charge, in advance.

You may be eligible for financial help towards your weekly charge and Council Tax.  We will encourage you to complete and submit a Housing Benefit form and a Council Tax Reduction application as soon as possible.   If you have been placed in temporary accommodation outside Watford, you will have to apply for Council Tax Reduction in the borough where you are living.  If you are living in temporary accommodation in Watford, you can get more information about applying for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction here.

Even if you are receiving Housing Benefit to help pay your weekly charge, it remains your responsibility to make sure it is paid in full and on time.  If you fall behind with your weekly charge, we will contact you to make arrangements for you to catch up with payments.  If you don't work with us, we will take action to recover the debt and also seek your eviction.  

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Cost of living

Visit our cost of living section for guidance on a wide range of issues including money and debt advice, energy tips and employment support.

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