Temporary accommodation

Staying in temporary accommodation

The time you spend in temporary accommodation varies; there is no set time for staying in temporary accommodation.  How long you spend in temporary accommodation depends on several factors including the outcome of your homeless application, whether you have a local connection with Watford, or the number of bedrooms you need in a settled home.  The more bedrooms you need may mean you stay longer in temporary accommodation.

For single people or couples, the average wait in temporary accommodation can be 12 or more months.  For families, the average wait is longer and can be over 3 years.  Some households may move to a settled home sooner or longer than the average times. 

The council does not own any housing.  The council depends on partner housing associations making available their homes to let to people on the council's Housing Register.  The number of housing association homes becoming available is reducing a lot. In 2016/17, only 218 homes were available for people on the Housing Register.  Keeping up to date with your weekly charge and being flexible about where you are willing to move will help reduce the time you spend in temporary accommodation.  For example, households who take up an offer of a settled private rented home spend much less time in temporary accommodation.

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