In this section
The Mayor, Peter Taylor

Peter Taylor is the Elected Mayor of Watford.
Peter Taylor became the Liberal Democrat Mayor of Watford on 4 May 2018. He is a former school teacher and lives locally with his three young children.
Before becoming Mayor, Peter served as Deputy Mayor, Portfolio Holder for our Parks and Leisure Centres and as a Borough Councillor for Oxhey Ward
As Mayor, he:
- is the council's principal public spokesperson, representing the council and the borough on local, national and international platforms
- gives the overall political direction of the council
- decides on the scheme of delegation for Executive functions
- chairs Cabinet
- represents the council on external bodies
- attends civic events
He also has a number of specific areas within his portfolio for Parternships
- Council Plan
- Economy
- Regeneration
- Culture
- External relationships
- Communications
- Marketing and events
- Strategic projects
If you would like to get in contact with Peter, then you can:
- Complete our online contact the Mayor form
- email Peter
- phone Peter at the Town Hall on 01923 278371
You can also email Peter to subscribe to the Mayor's regular e-newsletter.