Future Travel Watford Proposals

Car ownership alternatives

We understand that not all trips can be made by walking, cycling or public transport, so we will help provide more options, so the right type of transport is available for the right journey for everyone in the town.

View our proposals in full

Peter Taylor charging an electric vehicleEco-friendly transport in town

Reduce the need to own a car

  • Creating a 'Watford Car Club', enabling people and businesses to borrow a car when they need it

Option to use a friendly, green, efficient taxi is available

  • Working with our taxi fleet to make sure it has well-trained drivers in environmentally friendly vehicles

Encourage more people to use electric vehicles

  • Continuing to install electric vehicle charging points, especially at places people visit regularly

Peter Taylor and West Herts College students taking a travel alternative

Enabling car ownership alternatives

Provide a more convenient service than the bus for some trips

  • Monitoring the user of our on-demand transport service and making sure it is helping people moving around the borough.

Create a place where people can see all the choices for their journeys

  • Putting the travel options on our Watford smartphone app

Make it easy to find and switch between different transport types

  • Creating hubs around the borough where many transport options can be found in one place
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