What is the scrutiny structure?

Overview and Scrutiny Committee

The council has set up an over-arching scrutiny committee called Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Its role includes:

  • monitoring all scrutiny taking place in Watford
  • setting up task groups and monitoring their progress
  • reviewing the progress of agreed task group recommendations
  • reviewing the Executive decision taken by cabinet, portfolio holders and officers
  • monitoring the performance of services provided directly by the council and those outsourced to external companies/organisations, including shared services with Three Rivers District Council
  • scrutinises the local Community Safety Partnership's strategic priorities and targets for the year
  • hearing any called in decisions or councillor calls for action
  • contributing to the annual scrutiny report

Finance Scrutiny Committee

Finance Scrutiny Committee has been set up to monitor the council’s finances, including:

  • examining the Medium Term Financial Plan
  • examining the current year’s budget and services’ spending priorities through the Finance Digest
  • reviewing proposed fees and charges for the new financial year and forwarding comments to cabinet
  • reviewing the proposed budget for the new financial year and forwarding comments to cabinet

Task Groups

Task Groups are set up to consider specific items as agreed by Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The suggestions can be put forward by councillors, members of the public or officers. Meetings are generally open to the public and you can read a task group’s final report online.

Health Scrutiny Committee

Hertfordshire County Council is responsible for scrutinising health related matters, including hospitals, the ambulance service, GP surgeries and mental health services.

Watford Borough Council appoints a councillor to sit on the county council's Health Scrutiny Committee. The current representative is Councillor Rabi Martins.

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